How to get rid of foot warts - an effective treatment

cut a wart on the leg

Why do leg warts occur? What measures should be taken to get rid of them once and for all? Warts are of viral origin, damage various parts of the body, cause discomfort and are painful in nature.

How to remove this problem from the body, is it possible to do it without consulting a specialist? It turns out warts can occur in any of us at any age, but the causes are very different.

Why do leg warts occur?

Growth occurs as soon as the papillomavirus appears in the body, a disease rarely seen in adults. What causes warts on the feet? Factors may include:

  • micro cracks and scratches;
  • dry feet;
  • excessive foot sweating;
  • weak immune system.

You can infect the virus in public places by using other personal hygiene products. If you miss the initial stage of infection, the treatment process can become more complicated: as soon as one growth is removed, several larger diameters will appear instead.

What does a wart look like on your leg?

It is impossible to confuse warts with other growths, it is rounded skin protrusions, their size 3-4 mm wide and 1-2 height. Warts on the feet cause discomfort and pain to their owner.

Warts appear on the soles of the feet, over time they begin to expand and increase in diameter. And it also spreads throughout the body, infecting other people.

Foot warts can itch, and if done, there is an increased risk of wound abscesses, an increase in malignancies that can be fatally detrimental to human health. What to do to get rid of warts on your feet once and for all?

wart on the toe

In the treatment of warts

Before you understand how to remove warts on your foot, you need to understand the common types of such skin disorders. Types of warts on the feet:

  1. Simple, up to 10 mm, round, yellow, limited, easy to handle.
  2. Plantar warts on the feet - occur in places where the shoes press hard on one or another part of the foot, over time the papule grows, turning into a painful ailment.
  3. Flat - smooth warts, no more than 5 mm in size, body color.
  4. Warts between the fingers - grow rapidly, their constant friction will cause pain to the patient.

Should you remove the warts? How to do it right?

Several methods are used in medicine to remove growths, and several cosmetic procedures will be needed to remove the papilloma warts on the legs:

  • electrocoagulation - the removal of accumulations with the help of steel wires, the procedure is painful, therefore it is necessary to take painkillers;
  • laser coagulation - how to quickly and effectively remove the wart on the leg, but be aware that the procedure is very painful and will require local anesthesia;
  • cryodestruction - freezing with liquid nitrogen, and the wart becomes denser and disappears after a short time;
  • surgical intervention where the foot warts are large, the incision site is sutured, leaving a small scar;
  • chemical removal - the growths are cauterized by various means, resulting in burns of the wart.

How can conservative methods cure warts on the leg?

If the wart on your leg hurts and causes a great deal of discomfort, you need to decide urgently on the treatment for your foot. You can remove warts with special medicines sold at the pharmacy.

All cauterizing fluids apply a lot to the affected area from the warts on the feet, it is important to avoid healthy tissues. After that, the derivatives change, darken and peel off. In this case, you must be careful not to burn your skin.

How to treat warts on the feet in traditional medicine?

How to safely treat leg warts at home? Various traditional medicines help well:

  • green onion should be soaked in vinegar for 2 hours, applied to the warts, repeated until the papilloma disappears;
  • chop a clove of garlic and pour boiling water, an hour after the requirement, lubricate the wart;
  • if there is a large wart on the leg, it can be removed with celandine juice, lubricate the papillom with the juice of a fresh plant stem several times a day until the growth has completely disappeared;
  • fresh acid apple juice also removes warts, lubricate regularly, after drying each previous layer until completely removed;
  • warts on the feet are often treated by moxibuzion, take a wooden spoon and place its long end over the fire, then burn the papilloma, after two or three approaches the wart will disappear completely;
  • you can pipette acetic acid onto the affected area, most effectively before bedtime;
  • with large accumulations on the heels: make porridge from flour and vinegar, put the papilloma, and attach a sticky patch on top, so hold for 48 hours, and then repeat the procedure again.
ointment for warts on the foot

To get homemade wart ointment, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. watercress juice and 50 g of butter. When a homogeneous mass is obtained, it should be applied to the affected area with massaging movements.

Witch conspiracies

Here's how to get rid of warts on your feet, you can use traditional and non-traditional methods, some even resort to conspiracy, perform some kind of ritual, after which the papillomas disappear.

It is said that through the wart you can tie the nodule with a soft thread, and then throw it in the manure, through the head, and the papilloma will disappear in a few days. Is it so and where in the city to look for manure?

How effective it is is not for us to decide, but for those who believe in it. If none of the above has helped you, be sure to seek qualified help and do the appropriate research.

Conclusion and recommendations

Now you know the different ways to get rid of warts on your foot. You should be aware that the impulse to develop papillomas can be caused by various reasons, violation of skin hygiene and normal irritation, wear and tear.

It is important to remember one thing - it is strictly forbidden to remove and cut the warts yourself, you can not only bring the infection to the wound, but also worsen the health if the wart does not appear. a simple tumor but a malignant tumor.

Treatment of foot warts should be performed with caution, all procedures according to folk recipes should be performed under the supervision of a specialist, and in case of complications or allergic reactions, treatment should be discontinued.

If you know the cause of warts on your feet, you must first remove it and only then begin a complete improvement of the skin. Take care of your health and be in a great mood!